Xavier University has four resident halls. 大厅是St。. 凯瑟琳·德雷塞尔,圣. 迈克尔,圣. Martin dePorres and the Living Learning Center. The central office of each Hall is staffed 24 hours a day, 一周7天, by the following persons: Hall Director, 宿舍顾问和宿舍助理.
宿舍的政策可以在《e世博esball》中找到, 亦载于房屋网页. To ensure the safety and security of the residents, a major priority of the housing staff is services, 项目, and policies intended to enhance the quality of campus life.
St. 马丁·德·波尔斯大厅
St. 迈克尔斯厅
St. 凯瑟琳·德雷塞尔·霍尔
Due to the limited availability of on-campus housing, it is necessary that we establish these guidelines for awarding contracts for these rooms. 居住在校园通勤距离内的本地学生和转学生在分配作业时优先级最低. 手术先到先办, 以先到先得的方式,以收到接受按金及房屋申请表的日期为准. 为了给学生提供住房合同,必须提交录取保证金和住房申请.
Initial contracts to new fall term students will be issued by early April. 已签署的合同和所需的订房费用必须在合同上注明的日期前归还. 此费用不予退还.
这个过程受到密切监视. 因此, 未在规定时间内归还合同的学生将被取消合同,并被排在等待名单的末尾.
如果学校没有空房,被录取的学生可以选择自己安排校外住宿. 住房办公室可能会给你一些关于校外住房的有限帮助或信息.
特别注意: 取消录取通知, 金融援助, 财政服务, 或注册办公室将不构成取消当前住房协议的通知. The Office of 住宅教育 must be officially notified as indicated below.
房屋取消: 在校生(包括即将毕业的大四学生)在下一学期或下一学年不返回校园住房的,必须在以下截止日期前正式取消住房,才有资格获得住房押金退款. 您必须下载并保存 取消表单 in a word processing format, complete the 取消表单, save and forward as an attachment by email to reslife@wangarattabug.com 或者打印 取消表单, complete and submit to the Office of 住宅教育 at the address provided above. 住房 refund policy will be imposed as follows:
Deadline Amount of fees* refunded or payable upon cancellation
On or before April 1 (fall); November 1 (spring) $200.00订金退还
June 1 - July 31 $0 refunded; 100% forfeiture
*The $100 reservation fee paid as a new or transfer student is non-refundable. The refund schedule posted above only refers to the $200.高年级学生支付的00英镑押金.
宿舍工作人员由宿舍主任、宿舍顾问和宿舍助理组成. All Residence Halls are staffed 24 hours a day 一周7天. 宿舍主任是宿舍生活工作人员的专业成员,可以住在宿舍里. 主任监督宿舍员工并监督设施的维护, 编程, 以及大厅的日常运作. 宿舍顾问是大学的工作人员,被赋予监督权力并负责宿舍的运作. The Hall Advisor reports to the Hall Director. The Hall Director and the Hall Advisor supervise the Resident Assistant.
我们很高兴你选择了e世博esball大学,并期待着你成为e世博esball大家庭的一员. Your first year in college can be both an exciting and adventurous time in your life. 课堂外, 你将有机会参加许多活动,认识很多新朋友. 你遇到的人和你分享的经历可能会成为你大学生涯中最珍贵的回忆.
One excellent way to take advantage of these opportunities is to live in a residence hall. Residence hall living at Xavier is designed to offer you a unique experience. We consider it a vital part of the educational process of the University. 研究表明,住在宿舍为学生提供了一种独特的经历,有助于他们在大学期间取得成功. 这些学生更有可能从大学毕业,并感觉融入了大学生活.
你将有机会与不同文化背景的人交流, 的态度, and ideals may parallel with yours or maybe just the opposite. 我们相信,宿舍的环境将帮助你发展成为一个见多识广的人,一个能够适应多元文化世界生活的人.
To ensure the best possible experience, we need your assistance in the housing process. 一旦你从招生办公室收到你的住房预订表,并提交了100美元的学年住房预订费, you will begin to receive communications from the 住房 Office. The $100 housing reservation fee is non-refundable for the Academic Year.
Once your $100 reservation fee has been received, 你将收到一封来自住宿教育办公室的电子邮件,该邮件提供了在线完成住房申请的网络访问. To access the application, you must use an assigned ID and a pin number. 您将收到有关如何完成住房申请和详细信息的说明.
有关住宿申请的资料将会用作本学年分配宿舍的资料. 请注意:住房申请 不会 直到住宿教育办公室收到您的100美元住房预订费. All freshman females will be assigned to St. 凯瑟琳·德雷塞尔·霍尔. 大一男生将被分配到圣. 迈克尔•霍尔. All room assignments are processed on a first-come, 根据收到的预订费和网上住房申请,先到先得.
在办理登机手续, 您将收到一份住房确认书,其中将注明您的宿舍分配和入住手续,以及您入住的时间. The residence halls will be open on first day of Orientation for check-in. 住房 reservations will be canceled after 12:00 midnight, 在入住的第一天, 除非事先以书面通知住宿教育办公室迟到.
As a campus resident, you are required to pay $20 residence hall dues. This amount is assessed at registration. The residence hall dues are used to provide educational, 社会, and community service involvement 项目 for residents within the residence halls.
Once again, welcome to the Xavier family. If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail us at reslife@wangarattabug.com. We look forward to meeting you this fall.
We recommend that you bring the following items:
- 衣架
- power surge protector with a minimum joule rating of 600
- 床单 & 枕头(特大号长条)
- 毯子
- 床垫套(特大号长)
- 闹钟
- 垃圾桶
- 挂锁
- 3.5 cubic feet – refrigerator, micro-fridge preferred (生活学习中心 and St . 包括Martin de Porres冰箱)
- 毛巾和毛巾
- 塑料储存容器
- 浴帽 & 鞋子
- shower curtains - only for rooms in the Living Learning Center and/or St. 马丁·德·波尔斯·霍尔
- 小音响
- 电视
- 铁
- 洗衣篮
- plasticware
- 洗衣用品
- 计算机安全锁
- 电池和手电筒
The following are not allowed within the residence halls:
- 武器
- 空气煎锅
- 枪支
- 炸药
- 蜡烛/暖蜡器
- 香
- 百花香燃烧器
- 热板
- 浸入式加热器或任何带有外露加热线圈的电器(外露加热元件,如烤面包机), 烤箱, 对流烤箱, 等. (如果它变红了,这是一个禁忌)
- 宠物
- 酒精/药物用具
- 窗式空调
- 咖啡壶
- 调光器开关
- 吊扇
- 电热毯
- 烧烤烤架
- 卤素灯
- 空间加热器
- 微波.
- 乔治·福尔曼烧烤
- 电饭煲
- 空气清新剂插件(i.e.“壁花”)
请访问 http://www.nssi.com to purchase personal property insurance
Xavier University is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. If you are not currently covered by your family's homeowner's or renter's insurance, you may want to consider purchasing a policy.
房屋署 & 居住生活•504-520-7321• reslife@wangarattabug.com
- Do not lend your room key or security door key to anyone. 记住,密钥很容易复制.
- 永远不要撑开安全门
- List your valuables and credit cards and keep them in a secure and locked.
- 始终把你的门锁上. 开着门去淋浴或休息室是对小偷或不速之客的邀请.
- Be sure that your guest sign in at the desk before accompanying you into the living area
- Report any suspicious person(s) or activity to the Resident Manager
注意:建议希望在城市或都会区租公寓的学生检查该地区的安全, the apartment complex and the neighborhood prior to signing a lease agreement.